Monday, August 31, 2009

September Lesson Plan

Week 1
Hand-made Book
Using muslin, tissue papers and gel medium students will create a unique paper-cloth. This, combined with blank white pages and held together with a simple pamphlet stitch, will then become a hand-made book.

Week 2
Squares Collage
With an 8”x10” canvasboard as the base, students will build up squares of corrugated cardboard and scrapbooking paper into a collage. It will also be embellished with acrylic paints and oil pastels.

Week 3
Hemp Bracelet with Beads
Students will learn a simple 2-color weaving/knotting technique that can incorporate beads. There will be a selection of hemp cords and beads to choose from so that a bracelet or anklet can be made.

Week 4
Marbled Stationery
Using enamel paints students will create gorgeous marbled notecards (with envelopes) that they can use themselves but that are beautiful enough to give as gifts.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Fall Art Classes

Art Classes Fall 2009

We nourish their bodies. We nourish their brains. Why not nourish their creativity?

Due to popular demand, we will be continuing the art classes that received such excellent reviews over the summer. They will be offered on a scaled-back schedule to fit in with back-to-school and other fall classes.

In the past our projects have included:

Hand Sewing and Embroidery
Fabric Painting
Needle Felting
Polymer Clay and Bead Making
Oil Pastels

Classes will be held every Thursday afternoon from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Class size is limited to ten students only.

There will be 4 classes per month (Sept, Oct, Nov) at $55 per month. Students must be registered and paid by the 25th of the previous month (Sept 25th for the Oct classes and so on). I can no longer accept partial payments for partial attendance. Fees are non-refundable.

For more information please call Francie Horton at 325.436.1775 or email at
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